Training at our Office

We offer 2 day training at our facility for the Glazier Studio and PartnerPak+ Studio programs. Come to Chandler Arizona and attend one of our training sessions. We also offer 1 Day fabrication data training for Studio and the RhinoFab. Contact the DeMichele Group for more information.

The 2 Day Course covers how to use Glazier Studio. Optional 3rd Day covers fabrication data and basic RhinoFAB equipment usage. There is no cost for the training, however attendees are responsible for their expenses. (Airfare, Hotel, Transportation and Meals)

Online Training

We offer 2 Hour introductory online training through TEAMVIEWER for Glazier Studio and PartnerPak+ Studio. Sessions are open to anyone who wants to attend. Dates and times are listed below. Contact the DeMichele Group for more information or if you need to schedule a special 2 hour class (minimum 5 people).

Teamviewer Link:
Conference Call Phone Number (.05 Cents per Minute):
1 213 289 3427
Pin: 92648337

2 Day Training + Optional Fabrication Day

Click the event below. Multiple dates available.

2 hr Online Training

Click the event below. Multiple dates available.